Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Just Some Thoughts!

I just want to write down a few thoughts. I realize that I haven't been writing anything down in quite awhile.

I'm inspired to blog again after reading one of my daughter's blogs. I'm also noticing that after all the various social networking sites that have been developed over the past 3 years, blogging still remains as the medium of choice for the "writer" in each of us.

At this moment, I'm thinking -- why even write anything down unless it is of some real significance. Well, that's true but I need to get back into practice with this writing "thing."

And so I begin again.

Granted, my thoughts and writings now are more directed to the spiritual, intellectual and mindfulness aspects of life. So as the famous bard once wrote, "we shall see what we shall see."

Saturday, December 13, 2008

It's That Time of the Year!

I just felt like writing something on this blog. And I've noticed that the last time I made an entry on this site was last December, 2007.

The thought came to me that it must be something about this time of year to make me start to reflect. Something about Advent and the approaching Christmas season.

I've heard it said that there are 3 types of Christians; Advent Christians, Easter Christians, and Pentecostal Christians.

Advent Christians waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus, acknowledging that we are living in this world but with the Hope of our Savior's coming back into it to save us.

Easter Christians celebrating the Resurrection of our Savior, living with the Joy that we have been saved and that Jesus has given us a New Life.

And Pentecostal Christians using the gifts that the Holy Spirit has bestowed on us and being "on fire" with the Good News.

Now, in a sense, we're all a bit of each of the aforementioned but I think that there is some truth where we feel more of an affinity towards versus the others. And if that is the case, I would have to say that I feel an affinity to being an Advent Christian.

There is something about this time of the year. We approach the shortest day of the year, the Winter Solstice. The nights come earlier and stays around a bit longer in the morning. And this just makes the sunny days all the more special. And yet, when it's cloudy out there and the winds howl out there a bit more as it's doing today here in the Southwest corner of Michigan, the mood just lends itself to a contemplative spirit inside.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

A Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year!

I'm just writing this here on Christmas night, December 25, 2007.

Yes, here it is Christmas night. We've already celebrated Christmas Eve. We've already attended all of the various Christmas parties that we were invited to. (I personally had 2 that I had been invited to. )

We've all done our shopping, last minute or otherwise. In my case, it was last minute, literally on Christmas Eve, yesterday morning and afternoon. I haven't done that in years. I mean "years."

The last time that I did any Christmas shopping on or near Christmas Eve (which was about 10 years or so ago), there didn't seem that many shoppers around. It wasn't as busy as when I used to shop on or near Christmas Eve years ago before I was married or when I was married.

At that time, yes, it was still a bit exciting. But it seemed that around the late 80's to early / mid 90's, well people just got most of their Christmas shopping done within a week before Christmas. At times, even that was a bit late.

But this year, it was fantastic. I mean there were a lot of people out there looking for gifts to buy to give. And it was like the "old days," with people hustling and bustling about amid all of the Christmas carols being sung and played via the speakers in the various stores as well as on the radio stations dedicated to playing Christmas music through today. I have to admit, this all added to the Christmas spirit for me personally.

And then, there was Midnight Mass last night. This was the first time in a long time that I can remember where we sang a lot of Christmas Carols during Mass. And there was the Choir's concert before Mass, where various Christmas Carols, new and old, were sung. But during Mass, it just seemed to me as if we sang so many of the familiar Christmas carols we all know and hear, such as Silent Night, Hark the Herald Angels Sing, O Come All Ye Faithful, Joy To the World, and more. By the time Mass was over, along with the Declaration of the Birth of Jesus at the beginning of Mass, well, you couldn't help but get into the Christmas Spirit.

Notice, I spelled Spirit with a capital "S." And yes, it was intentional, because after the Midnight Mass, Christmas spirit became Christmas Spirit with a capital "S." It's the same "Spirit" that I feel ((and most of us feel)today. And somehow, I feel as if we will all be feeling this the rest of the week. At least I strongly feel that I will be feeling this the rest of the week.

And tomorrow is the "Feast of Stephen." Now when I just call it the "Feast of Stephen," it sounds joyful to me, the reason being I recall the lyrics to "Good King Wenceslaus." To quote the lyrics I'm referring to, it's "Good King Wenceslaus had come, on the Feast of Stephen."

Now if you put the melody to the lyrics, I'm sure you begin to recall the joyful melody to this Christmas carol. And yet, if one really recalls that the "Feast of Stephen" recalls St.Stephen being stoned by various Jews with the future St. Paul (then Saul) looking on. Yes, this was a martyr. The guy was stoned to death. That's heavy!

And here I go on thinking of this feast as one joyful occasion. And yet, if we think of this day as a day where the 1st person was recorded as a martyr for Christianity. And he wasn't hesitant in any way at least according to the stories handed down through the years.

This was a person who stood for the Faith. The 1st person among many others. So yes, in that sense, it is a joyful occasion. For if we believe in everything we say we believe in, well St. Stephen is enjoying the fullness of redemption and happiness in heaven. And because that Faith has survived, we're able to enjoy this season with joy and happiness.

So yes, the "Feast of Stephen" is an additional joyous day of celebration.

On that note, I wish everyone a Very Merry, Blessed Christmas and a Healthy and Happy New Year!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

I'm Back! New Stuff!

Hi Everyone!

I wish everyone and anyone who is reading this blog a wonderful week!

It's been awhile since my last posting. But I intend to make a few more postings along the way. If only to improve my writing skills.

There is so much to write about. Internet technology has made so much progress just from my last posting. There's websites like PB Wiki, Joost TV and, of course, FaceBook and You Tube which have made such inroads into our mainstream of thought.

This blogging portal alone has made many improvements since I've last been on here. As one example, it's so much easier(and "cleaner" so to speak) to get on the various blogs I've created over the past 2 or so years.

"Various blogs" you ask? Well, I'll disclose them and list their links on the side, once I feel confident that they're up to par in terms of what I consider to be decent standards for a blog. Right now, I need to feel confident that each of these 4 blogs are "of value" to you as a reader. In other words, I don't want to waste your valuable time by just adding something I think is merely an assembly of words put together as a sentence rather than content you might consider worth reviewing, whether it be at your leisure or while being productive.

Well, so much wisdom for now! Really, I am being a bit sarcastic. I don't consider this as wisdom but more as an attempt at bringing some random thoughts into some form of coherence.

Until next time, I do hope you have a Great Evening and Week!